This is the symbolic vision for each of us. The Galactic Awakening of our souls. Our journey to reconnect with the natural rhythms of time and the seasons of our beloved mother earth. Honoring ourselves and opening to a more deeper sense of who we are and our Divine purpose. The time for these sacred moments of honoring is now.
Time continues to speed up, every day faster than the next. Our daily demands leave us short for time and personal space. Our concept of time will continue to accelerate as we push forth through our 2012 gateway and the ending of the great 26,000 year solar cycle. What we need is a space, a place, and a moment of life to reconnect with our one constant-Mother Earth.
The cycles of the earth are ingrained inside our beings. This deep knowledge will assist in bringing us back to center again. In honoring the process of the seasons as well as the sacred cross-quarter points we will begin to create again a sacred space within as well as around us that can be utilized for growth and awakening.
2011 holds the promise of some of the greatest incoming energies from our universe we have ever experienced. Understanding how to utilize and commune with this knowledge will be part of our journey together. We will create ritual around these sacred moments in Life. We will gather to speak from our hearts and feel the natural rhythm of our souls awakening as we connect with the earth mother and her life that she brings forth each season. A new chapter in our evolution is being created and we are being called to assist with that creation. To bring forth new ideas and birth them into this new multi-dimensional paradigm. Like the lotus flower you will grow, sparkle and shine your light into this world as it is awakening with you.
Join me as we start the Galactic Awakening together with the first cross-quarter of the new year on February 2nd. The celebration of Imbolc. We will discuss the traditional honoring of this passage. We will also discuss the creation of the new energies coming forth. Together we will honor the wisdom of the past while birthing the wisdom of our time. A time that starts within us. We will gather to talk, create ceremony and shake the seed of life within ourselves to start the opening of our lotus and set intentions of what is to come.
As the year progresses it is my intention to create sacred gatherings on the cross-quarter point so we can gather as a community and share our awakening together. I will also continue to write on this blog about the sacred passages, the universal energies that are working through me and others, and share messages from other trusted sources that will guide or assist us with our awakening.
This is your personal Galactic Awakening, hear the call from your soul and honor this moment in Life. Then dream big and allow yourself to expand into the endless Divinity that is your souls truth.
The first Galactic Awakening gathering will be held on February 2nd at 8 pm Eastern/7 pm Central/6 pm Mountain/5pm Pacific. If you feel called to join us for tradition and ritual please contact me for calling instruction and related materials to the Imbolc passage. If you would like to join us and will not be available for the call, a recording will be created and can be sent to you for enjoyment at a later time. My email information is located under my profile on this blog.