Springs Mid-Point~ Beltane
We have reached the mid-point of Spring. Known as the Festival of Beltane in esoteric traditions. It is the celebration of Spring, of early life sprouting from the ground, blessing of the livestock and fields that are yet to be sowed. Fire is the energy most associated with Beltane. Jumping the fire to cleanse the self and soul of any remaining energies from the year past so the summers glow can be entered into with purity.
From this ancient knowledge and wisdom enter into the knowing that within each breath we are celebrating the early sprouting of the seeds of life contained within us. This fire energy is very much alive within us and around us in the Universe. Its cleansing its way through our being and asking only that we bare our soul and witness the clearing with an open heart.
This sacred time is about opening, clearing, healing, and connecting with the Third Chakra also know as the Solar Plexus. The third chakra is located above the navel in the center of the belly and is most associated with the digestive organs. This is the last of the chakras that ask us to find ourselves and honor the self above all others. This is the place where the soul connects with the physical body and outwardly shines its light into the world. Start connecting to this sacred space by asking what makes you the shining star that lights the world? How are you bringing love into the world and what is the world seeing from you? Our 'gut' instincts or intuition can most often be felt in this region when you first start becoming aware of your personal power and knowledge. The Earth Mother energy and the Solar/Universal energy mix and combine to fuel your being in this sacred space contained within you. When sitting with this energy and feeling from this sacred space you can feel the truth and love that is contained within from all levels of being. We can sense our connection to all that is by simpling being here and breathing in to the rhythms of the earth and soul energy fields combining as one. Its time to concentrate on values. What means the most, what can you shift to make better and how can you honor your self through all this? This is also the last chakra that aligns with the physical body. It rules the digestive systems and all their functions. Think food and cleanse. Water intake and clearing of the systems that keep us in balance and provide us the nutrition we need to maintain homeostasis within the physical body. We can't live without these wonderful organs. Honor them by following their needs. Listen within this sacred place and hear what they are asking for when nutrition is needed. Sit before eating or gathering food from the store or garden and hear what your craving. Your body knows what it needs and listening is the first step in honoring these wonderful organs of strength and vitality. Also notice as you connect if you sense any anger or anxiety in this area. This sacred space is one of personal power so anger or anxiety will accumulate here and when not released properly will manifest into digestive issues on the physical level. The soul lives in the heart but grounds in the Solar Plexus. It is vital we open to its strength. Honor its functions both physically and emotionally.
We have been baring witness to self so we can prepare to enter into the summer where we will start working on our higher chakra systems. We have under gone a Galactic Awakening of the Physical Body in connection to the souls desires. Soon will be the time for a Galactic Awakening of the Soul working and living within the body on the souls terms. For some this summer is a time of Kundalini awakening- a beautiful process of awakening the serpent within. The initiation of a lifetime. For others this summer is about purging and renewal. To continue to utilize the powerful star alignments that are being presented before us this summer we must first complete our own personal physical and emotional cleanse of the first three chakras. Facing the deep rooted issues that are contained within us now helps for the big step forward that will crystallize through the June - July eclipse series and summer solstice crossing point. Our hearts will be broken wide open- yes even more than ever before. Our seeds of life within will begin to bare the fruits of all our labors and we will start to grow in the strength of the Super Galactic Love that radiates with the Summer Solstice Sun.
This is a most sacred time and I am honored beyond words to continue this passage with each of you. We are only as weak and strong as our fears and love allow us to be. Today and through this next phase honor the weak by shining light on the fear and filling it with the endless love that is contained within you and blessed upon you with each and every breath.