Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower


Hearts Spoken Truth

When the heart speaks the throat chakra awakens to speak the hearts truth.

Truth holds power that other words cannot- the hearts truth is always strongest. The freedom found in the vibrations of each syllable is like butterfly wings floating on the breath of the soul. Lifting up to the Divine Source, the truth is made Golden in the Light and heard by the endless ears of the Universe. Suns bend and planets yield to bring this truth to pass. Your truth has now become a co-creator of all that is- one with the Divine Source again. The first words spoken in truth may flow like a raging river or may choke you up as you gather all your strength to speak them free. Once the flow is open your hearts whispers will grow to strong intention that can no longer be denied. Form turns into function. You are now awakening into the truth of the soul.

Unity with Purpose
Lack of strong family of origin connection has left me to find my true roots in self within the Divine connection to Mother Earth and to the Divine Source. No greater gift could be given; no more painful truth could be spoken. We are all one. Old beliefs of strong family ties are wiped away so the foundations of the soul can be formed and created in the Light of the Divine. Holding true to the hearts desires above all third dimensional yearning is key to continue to awaken and fully embody the truth of your essence. Release what you thought was the truth of your birth patterns given to you through your blood line and find what your truth is within as well as above you. The ties of family of origin karma are no longer required of any soul that wishes to be released and relieved of its obligations. This shift is not without a loss but the gain is the connection to your Divine Self and the Divine Source which are one.

There is a swirl of energy surrounding us now that is reflecting all that we are as well as giving us the chance to see what is possible within us. Quiet the self within and witness what is possible. The truth is endless in its possibility. The only step that must be taken is to accept that you have no boundaries contained within you. You are as limitless as the Light that shines within your soul and connects you to all that is and will ever be.

Blessing of Understanding and Love!