Lotus Flower

Lotus Flower


Update on Galactic Awakening

Beloved Souls~
It is with a sad heart that I am writing to tell you I have had to cancel our gathering on Tuesday night as well as all future Galactic Awakening scheduled gatherings. The process of honoring self and the earth while syncing with the solar yearly cycle is very much alive within us. I will continue to blog about it as well as reach out to each of you with topics and possibly even a hosted event where we can just gather and talk if there is interest. Galactic Awakening was created in harmony with the stars and was born through my heart. I deeply believe that the vision we hold of our lotus flower blooming is one piece to this gateway we are crossing. It is my hope that we will continue to walk this path together through our heart connections as the solar year progresses. 
The seed planted within has awakened, the new shoots are taking shape, the warmth of the sun is now shining its light upon the being that is awakening within. Honor Self and Be Love.

Endless Blessings Of Love,



Galactic Awakening Beltane Gathering

Join us for an evening of Enchantment as we gather together to celebrate our souls and the connection we share with this ever Awakening Universe. Together we will discuss the continued process of the Galactic Awakening happening within us and on Mother Earth. We will speak of the Beltane Cross-Quarters point and how its ancient roots can transform into a new power point that can support us at this time. We will also talk of the upcoming Summer energies and how moving forward supported by the Universal changes will connect us to this Galactic Awakening. Space will be created for discussion and questions.  We will also have discussion on how we can continue to connect, share wisdom, and ask questions of others once our gathering has ended. 

The celebration will be held on Tuesday May 3rd at 8 pm EST – 5 pm PST. Please contact me for call in instructions at sunshineofthesea at yahoo.com. If you can't join us live for the call a recording will be created and shared once the call has ended. This gathering is open to everyone so please send this information to anyone you feel would benefit from a circle of love and support.

We look forward to seeing you soon! 


Into the Darkness

In the dark of night the stars shine the only light on the silhouette of a women. She stands nude at the shore of a dark still body of water. The stillness and quiet all build the anticipation of a dive into this mirror of the stars that is the lake of her soul. This moonless night brings the beginning of her quest for self. Breathe. Inhale, exhale. Splash! The ripples of the water are felt throughout the universe. She has entered the darkness of the soul. The freedom to float into the depths and witness the scars of a lifetime she swims with the Grace of a child coming upon what is needed to be free at each moment. When the darkness suffocates she pushes. When there seems nothing but emptiness she reaches around and calls to the quiet for answers and pleads for understanding. She is never alone. Her heart is full with Love and her soul is calling to her healing with the wisdom of the Universe. Purity is completion. She is all at once engulfed in light and exploding from her the rainbows of light fill this dark pool of emotion and wisdom. Pushed up and forward she floats among the stars to find the lake is but a small puddle left for the new forest of life to grow upon. Crystallized forever is the knowledge that through this Divinity the Truth of the Soul has been found.

Step into the deep pool of the inner darkness. Face this truth contained within and know thyself. At first uncomfortable and confining this deep dive is the first step to being free and awakening the light that is hidden in these depths. Awakening the second chakra requires a face forward into all that is light and dark. The truth is ready to be told and heard. Witnessed and released. At times this place is suffocating in pain and suffering. Push through as you struggle to heal complete that which is due to be released into the purity of light. Contained within this prism of life is your complete rainbow of memories, thoughts, karma, and potential. As you continue to accept this darkness you are free to expose the light into these place that become your strengths. Honoring the dark and understanding the lesson contained within is the step to witnessing the rainbows of light explode and float into this well of deep.

The darkness is a part of us. How deep you go is how deep your willing to heal and honor the true self. Each moment may be different. Each healing may bring joy and tears of pain at the same time. Illuminated within the darkness is the true beauty that can be awakened at the darkest moment. This is the point of honoring this process. To be free of dark and to be filled with light. Witness the light infuse the dark and fill its spaces leaving the darkness a memory of yesterday to be forgotten in time. You cannot have the dark without the light- this is what has been taught. We are the new co-creators of this world. Let us create a place of pure love light within and allow the stars to be the containers that rule the dark. Perhaps in this awakening we are understanding what has always been the universal truth. Now being born through our honest approach to the release of truth- the freedom of the soul.

Love yourself- Dive Deep!