Enter into the Light
Feel the presence of the Divine, your divine soul and being that fills the empty spaces. Allow yourself to open up like a flower to the senses of a thousand million flutters of light surrounding you and entering into you as you awaken to your Divinity. This is the awakening of your soul. The knowledge that you truly are Divine and that all you ever had to do was believe in it with all your heart. To know from the moment that you were born that this promise was contained within you.
Children hold this promise and know this truth is their own. Walking the path with them may give you a glimpse of their magnificence and it may also shine light into your memories of how you once felt as a child. Remembering how you always believed in everything you did was real and all was possible. It truely is this way - that everything is possible and if we start to live with this state of mind again the world just unfolds before us and doors open that once were locked or hidden from view. Our children, the children around us, they all know this instinctually and we hold the key to keeping them open to this as they hold the key to unlocking our bariers of illusion that society put in place to limit our beliefs in self.
Everyone is born a leader and regardless of how you feel you have this inside you too.
You lead the moment you become a parent or foster an animal. You lead when you assist others in need. Its not the size of the leading thats taking place its the fact that you recognize your ability to lead.
Everyone is born to make choices and with free will follow their hearts desires. This light inside may grow dim due to lifestyle and circumstances but if theres a will theres a way. Great people rise from the ashes and every day folk walk around as living angels. The spark is within you, all you have to do is feed the fire.
Feeding the Fire
Start in this moment by quieting your self and just breathing into the silence of the moment. You can't hear your heart and soul speak if you don't stop the chatter, the endless emails and phone calls, turn the TV and other personal entertainment devices off and just be.
Just Be. Honor your self and listen. If you can only do it for a few moments that ok because your starting and thats better than never giving yourself another chance. When you were little all you did was listen to self before social programing started. Now give yourself this opportuinity to shine in your own light and be a star on earth. Once you've made it through the first quiet moments with yourself then focus on growing that time that you spend alone. It doesn't have to be long it just has to be. Moments of honored time to self. Before the family wakes in the morning, after the kids go to bed, a hot bath, locked in your car before you walk into your house and the chaos of life takes over. Just find those moments and let them grow. You will find you love them and you'll want more and you'll make more time and you find more resources to make more time. It will become important to you. As this honored time expands then all the knowledge of a thousand lifetimes will slowly seep back into your awareness. Your dreams will shift. Your choices will change and your ego wont be running the show any more. You might make diet changes or new friendships. You might stop drinking soda or alcohol and you might also end relationships that just dont seem to fit you anymore. Lots of changes happen when you get into your flow. Its all as it should be because your following your heart and floating free on the wings of your soul.
Be like a butterfly and take flight. Your wings are dry and its time to catch the wind. Soar! Soar High and reach for the stars! Awaken with your growing beautiful soul.
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