Seven door ways to the soul. This is how our chakras have opened us up to the life of soul living. An ever present Divine knowledge that resides within each breath as we move forward, upward and beyond fully awakened into our souls light.
The Autumnal Equinox brought us the awakening of the Brow chakra or Third Eye and with it an ever awakening awareness of something far greater than ourselves. This knowing that slowly showed itself was the Divine Blueprint of the soul being shown through action, vision, and feeling within the heart. This time also marked the connection to the higher realms of Divinity of the Grace of Spirit. Divine Truth and Purity of Light opened with us knowledge of how best to move forward on the path that was created for us at this sacred time. Lots of cleansing also took place as the ego was finally challenged to join forces with the Soul and walk the line that supports the will of Spirit for the greater good of all.
Once we crossed the passage of Samhain, the cross-quarter assoicated with Halloween, All Saints Day or the Day of the Dead we reached our final stage of awakening to the traditional seven chakras- our Crown Chakra. Words are hard to find to explain the connection that flows through the body when the crown is fully opened. Light is usually assoicated with the opening of the crown as the connection with the anthakarna opens fully. The energy that flows at this level will at times feel like a tingle or warmth bathing over the body through the chakra systems. Spiritually this is the start and end of the cycle. As our soul design is fully awakened it also flows around the auraic body and back down to the feet and root chakras to begin again.
The universe now provides us with an extraordinary event to fully open to what we have witnessed within and around ourselves. The solar year ends with an eclipse series that provides another opportunity for the soul to receive. These powerful portals of Life are the New Moon Solar Eclipse on November 25th and the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on December 10th. Divine codes that are contained within our bodies and surrounding us from Mother Earth will light like fireflies and enter into our awareness. With focus and care we can manifest our true potential for growth and expansion at this time by allowing our hearts and minds to open to the Divine Will and Love of Spirit. This is about fully aligning with what your Divine purpose is and how to best play a role in the awakening of a greater community of humanity on Earth. This is about fully understanding what all the great prophets meant when they said a Love greater than Self. Imagine seeing the Love of Spirit in everything you see, touch and hear. Opening up to the beauty of life- one breath at a time.
You hold the potential to all this and so much more if you hold yourself into the Love and honor that all you ever needed was already contained with you. You are the magic key to the unfolding of Universal Love. Take your life into your hands and awaken to the Love of your Heart.
Awakening to our new time and space we honor the wisdom of the past while creating the future. Join us for this transforming experience and witness your own Galactic Awakening.
Hearts Spoken Truth
When the heart speaks the throat chakra awakens to speak the hearts truth.
Truth holds power that other words cannot- the hearts truth is always strongest. The freedom found in the vibrations of each syllable is like butterfly wings floating on the breath of the soul. Lifting up to the Divine Source, the truth is made Golden in the Light and heard by the endless ears of the Universe. Suns bend and planets yield to bring this truth to pass. Your truth has now become a co-creator of all that is- one with the Divine Source again. The first words spoken in truth may flow like a raging river or may choke you up as you gather all your strength to speak them free. Once the flow is open your hearts whispers will grow to strong intention that can no longer be denied. Form turns into function. You are now awakening into the truth of the soul.
Unity with Purpose
Lack of strong family of origin connection has left me to find my true roots in self within the Divine connection to Mother Earth and to the Divine Source. No greater gift could be given; no more painful truth could be spoken. We are all one. Old beliefs of strong family ties are wiped away so the foundations of the soul can be formed and created in the Light of the Divine. Holding true to the hearts desires above all third dimensional yearning is key to continue to awaken and fully embody the truth of your essence. Release what you thought was the truth of your birth patterns given to you through your blood line and find what your truth is within as well as above you. The ties of family of origin karma are no longer required of any soul that wishes to be released and relieved of its obligations. This shift is not without a loss but the gain is the connection to your Divine Self and the Divine Source which are one.
There is a swirl of energy surrounding us now that is reflecting all that we are as well as giving us the chance to see what is possible within us. Quiet the self within and witness what is possible. The truth is endless in its possibility. The only step that must be taken is to accept that you have no boundaries contained within you. You are as limitless as the Light that shines within your soul and connects you to all that is and will ever be.
Blessing of Understanding and Love!
Truth holds power that other words cannot- the hearts truth is always strongest. The freedom found in the vibrations of each syllable is like butterfly wings floating on the breath of the soul. Lifting up to the Divine Source, the truth is made Golden in the Light and heard by the endless ears of the Universe. Suns bend and planets yield to bring this truth to pass. Your truth has now become a co-creator of all that is- one with the Divine Source again. The first words spoken in truth may flow like a raging river or may choke you up as you gather all your strength to speak them free. Once the flow is open your hearts whispers will grow to strong intention that can no longer be denied. Form turns into function. You are now awakening into the truth of the soul.
Unity with Purpose
Lack of strong family of origin connection has left me to find my true roots in self within the Divine connection to Mother Earth and to the Divine Source. No greater gift could be given; no more painful truth could be spoken. We are all one. Old beliefs of strong family ties are wiped away so the foundations of the soul can be formed and created in the Light of the Divine. Holding true to the hearts desires above all third dimensional yearning is key to continue to awaken and fully embody the truth of your essence. Release what you thought was the truth of your birth patterns given to you through your blood line and find what your truth is within as well as above you. The ties of family of origin karma are no longer required of any soul that wishes to be released and relieved of its obligations. This shift is not without a loss but the gain is the connection to your Divine Self and the Divine Source which are one.
There is a swirl of energy surrounding us now that is reflecting all that we are as well as giving us the chance to see what is possible within us. Quiet the self within and witness what is possible. The truth is endless in its possibility. The only step that must be taken is to accept that you have no boundaries contained within you. You are as limitless as the Light that shines within your soul and connects you to all that is and will ever be.
Blessing of Understanding and Love!
Soul Light,
Throat Chakra
Heart Bursting Forth
Awakening the heart charka and feeling into the breath of the soul takes courage. You must be willing to reach within and feel the pain of lifetimes as well as the Grace of a thousand Loves that fill your being.
Stop and listen to your heart beat. Its physical function is clear and it does it without thought or effort. When you continue to listen and center you suddenly witness a much deeper feeling here. This is the home of your soul, the birth place of the life of Love. Radiating here is the clear liquid gold of breath, life, love. Circling outward, upward, inward and all spaces in between you can feel this throughout your being if you become quiet and aware.
Awareness of this sacred space allows for the insight of the blocks and pain that may also reside here from group conscious programming, personal experience, and lifetimes of karmic energy stored. This is also where the empathy of your being is felt and takes place. When you sense hurt there for no reason your connecting to something you have attached yourself to through your charka. This is your empathic connection and understanding how it works will assist in clearing old cords or connection points that may have been created long ago and that are no longer needed. Clearing this space of unwanted or unneeded energy will assist in the expanse of the Divine Love that has been created to flow through you. Clearing is as simple as projecting healing light into the open charka and saying words or prayer of release. Clearing can also be a ritual of great care that involves a night of meditation, acknowledgement of each block or cord being removed and a love filled bath of light prior to the rituals end. The point is to be free of what holds you back and weights your heart center down.
Now is the time to truly feel the Love of the Divine and move into the divinity of your souls truth. Whispers of hidden knowledge will become heard and seen through this delicate space your soul occupies. You will grow bold in your willingness to feel compassion and honor all souls on this journey. You will reach out with an open heart and touch the stars with you gift of you. Nothing can be more compassionate than the act of self love to be shared with the universe one breath at a time.
Your time is now. Your life is now. Open, breathe, be free. Enter into the Light of a Lifetime.
Stop and listen to your heart beat. Its physical function is clear and it does it without thought or effort. When you continue to listen and center you suddenly witness a much deeper feeling here. This is the home of your soul, the birth place of the life of Love. Radiating here is the clear liquid gold of breath, life, love. Circling outward, upward, inward and all spaces in between you can feel this throughout your being if you become quiet and aware.
Awareness of this sacred space allows for the insight of the blocks and pain that may also reside here from group conscious programming, personal experience, and lifetimes of karmic energy stored. This is also where the empathy of your being is felt and takes place. When you sense hurt there for no reason your connecting to something you have attached yourself to through your charka. This is your empathic connection and understanding how it works will assist in clearing old cords or connection points that may have been created long ago and that are no longer needed. Clearing this space of unwanted or unneeded energy will assist in the expanse of the Divine Love that has been created to flow through you. Clearing is as simple as projecting healing light into the open charka and saying words or prayer of release. Clearing can also be a ritual of great care that involves a night of meditation, acknowledgement of each block or cord being removed and a love filled bath of light prior to the rituals end. The point is to be free of what holds you back and weights your heart center down.
Now is the time to truly feel the Love of the Divine and move into the divinity of your souls truth. Whispers of hidden knowledge will become heard and seen through this delicate space your soul occupies. You will grow bold in your willingness to feel compassion and honor all souls on this journey. You will reach out with an open heart and touch the stars with you gift of you. Nothing can be more compassionate than the act of self love to be shared with the universe one breath at a time.
Your time is now. Your life is now. Open, breathe, be free. Enter into the Light of a Lifetime.
The Seed Burst Forth
The Seed has burst forth.
The first rays of light shine down on the little seedling
Gifting promise and life~ endless as the breeze.
Rooted with the earth
Surrounded by the air
Reaching for the stars
This was the awakening that was promised.
Today growth is one of strength and understanding of what is contained within the stems of life.
The leaves of nature move up and out reaching and expanding in Love.
My Personal Story
The process of growing from seed to seedling is complete. The awakening of my soul to a higher level started with a burst of light that literally cracked open at the base of my spine- the root chakra- and shot up through the central meridian for just a few quick seconds. Awakening in the physical can be painful and this moment was no exception. The soul awoke in the physical body and left me in pieces for days. The pain was strong. It was hot then ice cold. I could feel the ripples of this light slowly moving from the central point out into my legs, torso, and then arms and head. I used Reiki to heal the initial pain and shock. Then healthy doses of prayer and requests for Divine Grace for the integration. I quickly sought Alternative forms of Medicine to assist with the realignment of my back and pelvis. More came out of these visits which has healed me even deep in new areas that also needed assistance and healing. My first kundalini initiation was complete.
I was a new small seedling, I was vulnerable and delicate. I needed lots of water and fresh food. Lacking sunlight here in the Pacific Northwest I sought out foods to stimulate me in the ways my body was craving. I grew a stronger connection with my body as my soul filled itself in spaces it had never occupied before. As the physical body issues started to reach the new level of wholeness my body prepare for the next step upward.
I cleansed and detoxed the natural way my body requested and then received the next upgrade needed. I went through a molecular upgrade. At the core of every atom in my body I released the old patterns of eons of lifetimes. Lower vibrational energies that no longer could hold space in a body coming into its new form. This process appears on the outside to be an illness. A cold with a mind of its own. Initially my body told me 72 hours of release. I drank lots of water and stayed focus on the outcome and ignored the physical pain that was burning through me. This process was like the initial wave of light I felt at the awakening. The difference was it burned slowly at each phase of release. It would sit in different spots within and then move like a wave to another space that needed focus. I ran fevers, had chills, and felt exhausted while releasing all I could with all my heart. While sleeping on the 3rd night I was feeling the lift of energy change within and I made a conscious choice to try and clear the block that has been lodged in my throat chakra my whole life. This healing process was more centralized in the throat and heart chakra areas affecting me physically in my throat and lungs. This release was different and more difficult as I was working on a deep seated karmic energy that wasn't willing to leave quietly. Four days later the pain lifted however I still choke up and feel the energy still attempting to hold on while the cellular level of my body try to dislodge and release. I will continue to work on my healing of this area.
The last of the healing within has been less resistant to change and more flowing of the light- these are the dreams and memories of all my lifetimes contained within. They come to me in the dream state most often although they have also been released in visions and strange memories that are triggered by outside experience in my daily life.
The connection and awakening of the third chakra has grown into a new awareness of food and digestion. I am not able to eat anything that my body doesn't want or crave. This meaning- my brain may want that yummy looking cupcake my daughters are having but my body does not. The disconnect- my programmed ego brain and my digestive system- is a much needed change. It helps to guide me to what my nutritional needs may be at that moment. Needs that may change as my body continues to shift and grow.
The Flowering
The awakening of a soul in this new paradigm is not always for the faint of heart. It requires Faith and lot of Love for self and the process. I find myself in a new body that seems lighter (I haven't actually lost a pound) and more centered in the knowing. The next steps forward still remain in front of me hiding behind a fog of light. My focus still remains on clearing up any remaining loose ends that still need to be lifted up and out. This is the time for growing strong and understanding what it is that I am awakened to do in this cycle and all the cycles to follow.
We are the Divine Light. We are the Universe. We are LOVE.
The first rays of light shine down on the little seedling
Gifting promise and life~ endless as the breeze.
Rooted with the earth
Surrounded by the air
Reaching for the stars
This was the awakening that was promised.
Today growth is one of strength and understanding of what is contained within the stems of life.
The leaves of nature move up and out reaching and expanding in Love.
My Personal Story
The process of growing from seed to seedling is complete. The awakening of my soul to a higher level started with a burst of light that literally cracked open at the base of my spine- the root chakra- and shot up through the central meridian for just a few quick seconds. Awakening in the physical can be painful and this moment was no exception. The soul awoke in the physical body and left me in pieces for days. The pain was strong. It was hot then ice cold. I could feel the ripples of this light slowly moving from the central point out into my legs, torso, and then arms and head. I used Reiki to heal the initial pain and shock. Then healthy doses of prayer and requests for Divine Grace for the integration. I quickly sought Alternative forms of Medicine to assist with the realignment of my back and pelvis. More came out of these visits which has healed me even deep in new areas that also needed assistance and healing. My first kundalini initiation was complete.
I was a new small seedling, I was vulnerable and delicate. I needed lots of water and fresh food. Lacking sunlight here in the Pacific Northwest I sought out foods to stimulate me in the ways my body was craving. I grew a stronger connection with my body as my soul filled itself in spaces it had never occupied before. As the physical body issues started to reach the new level of wholeness my body prepare for the next step upward.
I cleansed and detoxed the natural way my body requested and then received the next upgrade needed. I went through a molecular upgrade. At the core of every atom in my body I released the old patterns of eons of lifetimes. Lower vibrational energies that no longer could hold space in a body coming into its new form. This process appears on the outside to be an illness. A cold with a mind of its own. Initially my body told me 72 hours of release. I drank lots of water and stayed focus on the outcome and ignored the physical pain that was burning through me. This process was like the initial wave of light I felt at the awakening. The difference was it burned slowly at each phase of release. It would sit in different spots within and then move like a wave to another space that needed focus. I ran fevers, had chills, and felt exhausted while releasing all I could with all my heart. While sleeping on the 3rd night I was feeling the lift of energy change within and I made a conscious choice to try and clear the block that has been lodged in my throat chakra my whole life. This healing process was more centralized in the throat and heart chakra areas affecting me physically in my throat and lungs. This release was different and more difficult as I was working on a deep seated karmic energy that wasn't willing to leave quietly. Four days later the pain lifted however I still choke up and feel the energy still attempting to hold on while the cellular level of my body try to dislodge and release. I will continue to work on my healing of this area.
The last of the healing within has been less resistant to change and more flowing of the light- these are the dreams and memories of all my lifetimes contained within. They come to me in the dream state most often although they have also been released in visions and strange memories that are triggered by outside experience in my daily life.
The connection and awakening of the third chakra has grown into a new awareness of food and digestion. I am not able to eat anything that my body doesn't want or crave. This meaning- my brain may want that yummy looking cupcake my daughters are having but my body does not. The disconnect- my programmed ego brain and my digestive system- is a much needed change. It helps to guide me to what my nutritional needs may be at that moment. Needs that may change as my body continues to shift and grow.
The Flowering
The awakening of a soul in this new paradigm is not always for the faint of heart. It requires Faith and lot of Love for self and the process. I find myself in a new body that seems lighter (I haven't actually lost a pound) and more centered in the knowing. The next steps forward still remain in front of me hiding behind a fog of light. My focus still remains on clearing up any remaining loose ends that still need to be lifted up and out. This is the time for growing strong and understanding what it is that I am awakened to do in this cycle and all the cycles to follow.
We are the Divine Light. We are the Universe. We are LOVE.
Awakening the Soul
Springs Mid-Point~ Beltane
We have reached the mid-point of Spring. Known as the Festival of Beltane in esoteric traditions. It is the celebration of Spring, of early life sprouting from the ground, blessing of the livestock and fields that are yet to be sowed. Fire is the energy most associated with Beltane. Jumping the fire to cleanse the self and soul of any remaining energies from the year past so the summers glow can be entered into with purity.
From this ancient knowledge and wisdom enter into the knowing that within each breath we are celebrating the early sprouting of the seeds of life contained within us. This fire energy is very much alive within us and around us in the Universe. Its cleansing its way through our being and asking only that we bare our soul and witness the clearing with an open heart.
This sacred time is about opening, clearing, healing, and connecting with the Third Chakra also know as the Solar Plexus. The third chakra is located above the navel in the center of the belly and is most associated with the digestive organs. This is the last of the chakras that ask us to find ourselves and honor the self above all others. This is the place where the soul connects with the physical body and outwardly shines its light into the world. Start connecting to this sacred space by asking what makes you the shining star that lights the world? How are you bringing love into the world and what is the world seeing from you? Our 'gut' instincts or intuition can most often be felt in this region when you first start becoming aware of your personal power and knowledge. The Earth Mother energy and the Solar/Universal energy mix and combine to fuel your being in this sacred space contained within you. When sitting with this energy and feeling from this sacred space you can feel the truth and love that is contained within from all levels of being. We can sense our connection to all that is by simpling being here and breathing in to the rhythms of the earth and soul energy fields combining as one. Its time to concentrate on values. What means the most, what can you shift to make better and how can you honor your self through all this? This is also the last chakra that aligns with the physical body. It rules the digestive systems and all their functions. Think food and cleanse. Water intake and clearing of the systems that keep us in balance and provide us the nutrition we need to maintain homeostasis within the physical body. We can't live without these wonderful organs. Honor them by following their needs. Listen within this sacred place and hear what they are asking for when nutrition is needed. Sit before eating or gathering food from the store or garden and hear what your craving. Your body knows what it needs and listening is the first step in honoring these wonderful organs of strength and vitality. Also notice as you connect if you sense any anger or anxiety in this area. This sacred space is one of personal power so anger or anxiety will accumulate here and when not released properly will manifest into digestive issues on the physical level. The soul lives in the heart but grounds in the Solar Plexus. It is vital we open to its strength. Honor its functions both physically and emotionally.
We have been baring witness to self so we can prepare to enter into the summer where we will start working on our higher chakra systems. We have under gone a Galactic Awakening of the Physical Body in connection to the souls desires. Soon will be the time for a Galactic Awakening of the Soul working and living within the body on the souls terms. For some this summer is a time of Kundalini awakening- a beautiful process of awakening the serpent within. The initiation of a lifetime. For others this summer is about purging and renewal. To continue to utilize the powerful star alignments that are being presented before us this summer we must first complete our own personal physical and emotional cleanse of the first three chakras. Facing the deep rooted issues that are contained within us now helps for the big step forward that will crystallize through the June - July eclipse series and summer solstice crossing point. Our hearts will be broken wide open- yes even more than ever before. Our seeds of life within will begin to bare the fruits of all our labors and we will start to grow in the strength of the Super Galactic Love that radiates with the Summer Solstice Sun.
This is a most sacred time and I am honored beyond words to continue this passage with each of you. We are only as weak and strong as our fears and love allow us to be. Today and through this next phase honor the weak by shining light on the fear and filling it with the endless love that is contained within you and blessed upon you with each and every breath.
We have reached the mid-point of Spring. Known as the Festival of Beltane in esoteric traditions. It is the celebration of Spring, of early life sprouting from the ground, blessing of the livestock and fields that are yet to be sowed. Fire is the energy most associated with Beltane. Jumping the fire to cleanse the self and soul of any remaining energies from the year past so the summers glow can be entered into with purity.
From this ancient knowledge and wisdom enter into the knowing that within each breath we are celebrating the early sprouting of the seeds of life contained within us. This fire energy is very much alive within us and around us in the Universe. Its cleansing its way through our being and asking only that we bare our soul and witness the clearing with an open heart.
This sacred time is about opening, clearing, healing, and connecting with the Third Chakra also know as the Solar Plexus. The third chakra is located above the navel in the center of the belly and is most associated with the digestive organs. This is the last of the chakras that ask us to find ourselves and honor the self above all others. This is the place where the soul connects with the physical body and outwardly shines its light into the world. Start connecting to this sacred space by asking what makes you the shining star that lights the world? How are you bringing love into the world and what is the world seeing from you? Our 'gut' instincts or intuition can most often be felt in this region when you first start becoming aware of your personal power and knowledge. The Earth Mother energy and the Solar/Universal energy mix and combine to fuel your being in this sacred space contained within you. When sitting with this energy and feeling from this sacred space you can feel the truth and love that is contained within from all levels of being. We can sense our connection to all that is by simpling being here and breathing in to the rhythms of the earth and soul energy fields combining as one. Its time to concentrate on values. What means the most, what can you shift to make better and how can you honor your self through all this? This is also the last chakra that aligns with the physical body. It rules the digestive systems and all their functions. Think food and cleanse. Water intake and clearing of the systems that keep us in balance and provide us the nutrition we need to maintain homeostasis within the physical body. We can't live without these wonderful organs. Honor them by following their needs. Listen within this sacred place and hear what they are asking for when nutrition is needed. Sit before eating or gathering food from the store or garden and hear what your craving. Your body knows what it needs and listening is the first step in honoring these wonderful organs of strength and vitality. Also notice as you connect if you sense any anger or anxiety in this area. This sacred space is one of personal power so anger or anxiety will accumulate here and when not released properly will manifest into digestive issues on the physical level. The soul lives in the heart but grounds in the Solar Plexus. It is vital we open to its strength. Honor its functions both physically and emotionally.
We have been baring witness to self so we can prepare to enter into the summer where we will start working on our higher chakra systems. We have under gone a Galactic Awakening of the Physical Body in connection to the souls desires. Soon will be the time for a Galactic Awakening of the Soul working and living within the body on the souls terms. For some this summer is a time of Kundalini awakening- a beautiful process of awakening the serpent within. The initiation of a lifetime. For others this summer is about purging and renewal. To continue to utilize the powerful star alignments that are being presented before us this summer we must first complete our own personal physical and emotional cleanse of the first three chakras. Facing the deep rooted issues that are contained within us now helps for the big step forward that will crystallize through the June - July eclipse series and summer solstice crossing point. Our hearts will be broken wide open- yes even more than ever before. Our seeds of life within will begin to bare the fruits of all our labors and we will start to grow in the strength of the Super Galactic Love that radiates with the Summer Solstice Sun.
This is a most sacred time and I am honored beyond words to continue this passage with each of you. We are only as weak and strong as our fears and love allow us to be. Today and through this next phase honor the weak by shining light on the fear and filling it with the endless love that is contained within you and blessed upon you with each and every breath.
Update on Galactic Awakening
Beloved Souls~
It is with a sad heart that I am writing to tell you I have had to cancel our gathering on Tuesday night as well as all future Galactic Awakening scheduled gatherings. The process of honoring self and the earth while syncing with the solar yearly cycle is very much alive within us. I will continue to blog about it as well as reach out to each of you with topics and possibly even a hosted event where we can just gather and talk if there is interest. Galactic Awakening was created in harmony with the stars and was born through my heart. I deeply believe that the vision we hold of our lotus flower blooming is one piece to this gateway we are crossing. It is my hope that we will continue to walk this path together through our heart connections as the solar year progresses.
The seed planted within has awakened, the new shoots are taking shape, the warmth of the sun is now shining its light upon the being that is awakening within. Honor Self and Be Love.
Endless Blessings Of Love,
Galactic Awakening Beltane Gathering
Join us for an evening of Enchantment as we gather together to celebrate our souls and the connection we share with this ever Awakening Universe. Together we will discuss the continued process of the Galactic Awakening happening within us and on Mother Earth. We will speak of the Beltane Cross-Quarters point and how its ancient roots can transform into a new power point that can support us at this time. We will also talk of the upcoming Summer energies and how moving forward supported by the Universal changes will connect us to this Galactic Awakening. Space will be created for discussion and questions. We will also have discussion on how we can continue to connect, share wisdom, and ask questions of others once our gathering has ended.
The celebration will be held on Tuesday May 3rd at 8 pm EST – 5 pm PST. Please contact me for call in instructions at sunshineofthesea at If you can't join us live for the call a recording will be created and shared once the call has ended. This gathering is open to everyone so please send this information to anyone you feel would benefit from a circle of love and support.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Into the Darkness
In the dark of night the stars shine the only light on the silhouette of a women. She stands nude at the shore of a dark still body of water. The stillness and quiet all build the anticipation of a dive into this mirror of the stars that is the lake of her soul. This moonless night brings the beginning of her quest for self. Breathe. Inhale, exhale. Splash! The ripples of the water are felt throughout the universe. She has entered the darkness of the soul. The freedom to float into the depths and witness the scars of a lifetime she swims with the Grace of a child coming upon what is needed to be free at each moment. When the darkness suffocates she pushes. When there seems nothing but emptiness she reaches around and calls to the quiet for answers and pleads for understanding. She is never alone. Her heart is full with Love and her soul is calling to her healing with the wisdom of the Universe. Purity is completion. She is all at once engulfed in light and exploding from her the rainbows of light fill this dark pool of emotion and wisdom. Pushed up and forward she floats among the stars to find the lake is but a small puddle left for the new forest of life to grow upon. Crystallized forever is the knowledge that through this Divinity the Truth of the Soul has been found.
Step into the deep pool of the inner darkness. Face this truth contained within and know thyself. At first uncomfortable and confining this deep dive is the first step to being free and awakening the light that is hidden in these depths. Awakening the second chakra requires a face forward into all that is light and dark. The truth is ready to be told and heard. Witnessed and released. At times this place is suffocating in pain and suffering. Push through as you struggle to heal complete that which is due to be released into the purity of light. Contained within this prism of life is your complete rainbow of memories, thoughts, karma, and potential. As you continue to accept this darkness you are free to expose the light into these place that become your strengths. Honoring the dark and understanding the lesson contained within is the step to witnessing the rainbows of light explode and float into this well of deep.
The darkness is a part of us. How deep you go is how deep your willing to heal and honor the true self. Each moment may be different. Each healing may bring joy and tears of pain at the same time. Illuminated within the darkness is the true beauty that can be awakened at the darkest moment. This is the point of honoring this process. To be free of dark and to be filled with light. Witness the light infuse the dark and fill its spaces leaving the darkness a memory of yesterday to be forgotten in time. You cannot have the dark without the light- this is what has been taught. We are the new co-creators of this world. Let us create a place of pure love light within and allow the stars to be the containers that rule the dark. Perhaps in this awakening we are understanding what has always been the universal truth. Now being born through our honest approach to the release of truth- the freedom of the soul.
Love yourself- Dive Deep!
Step into the deep pool of the inner darkness. Face this truth contained within and know thyself. At first uncomfortable and confining this deep dive is the first step to being free and awakening the light that is hidden in these depths. Awakening the second chakra requires a face forward into all that is light and dark. The truth is ready to be told and heard. Witnessed and released. At times this place is suffocating in pain and suffering. Push through as you struggle to heal complete that which is due to be released into the purity of light. Contained within this prism of life is your complete rainbow of memories, thoughts, karma, and potential. As you continue to accept this darkness you are free to expose the light into these place that become your strengths. Honoring the dark and understanding the lesson contained within is the step to witnessing the rainbows of light explode and float into this well of deep.
The darkness is a part of us. How deep you go is how deep your willing to heal and honor the true self. Each moment may be different. Each healing may bring joy and tears of pain at the same time. Illuminated within the darkness is the true beauty that can be awakened at the darkest moment. This is the point of honoring this process. To be free of dark and to be filled with light. Witness the light infuse the dark and fill its spaces leaving the darkness a memory of yesterday to be forgotten in time. You cannot have the dark without the light- this is what has been taught. We are the new co-creators of this world. Let us create a place of pure love light within and allow the stars to be the containers that rule the dark. Perhaps in this awakening we are understanding what has always been the universal truth. Now being born through our honest approach to the release of truth- the freedom of the soul.
Love yourself- Dive Deep!
Spring Equinox
We have reached the end point of limiting. Limiting thoughts, beliefs, ideas, policies and suppression of the soul- there is no place left for these concepts to remain. We enter the next step to complete freedom of self and soul. The endless possibilities of mind and spirit are opening and all you have to do is accept their offer for the awakening.
Right now the core of your being is asking you to take your hand and release the constriction of old patterns and limiting belief systems. Be free to connect to your Divine Essence and breathe. Free your mind to just be, float among the deepness of the universe and the expanse of your heart. This is the start of the next step forward.
Coming Forth
Coming Forth
Spring is one of our moments in this Awakening that we gather with intent from our own personal spaces. On the day of the Spring/Fall Equinox set intent to connect with the other souls that form our Galactic Awakening Community. Join with your heart to those around the world that form our strengthening circle of light. Time zones no longer apply when we connect with the soul. Also remember that this is a sacred time to commune with self. Listen to the push of the seed forward. This can be a quickening feeling, a struggle breakthrough, or a quiet shift of balance. Be aware of what you feel, hear, or see while in meditation. If you need to move to be observant of this sacred time, then honor that need. You are growing. Stretching and reaching for the sun and stars. Movement is part of the pushing forth from the ground out into the light. If you still feel quiet and in need of solitude honor this for yourself. Clearing time for personal reflection assists in the strengthening of the first growth.
Also consider gathering in community on this sacred day locally, globally, by phone or in person. Allison Rae is hosting a powerful circle that will provide insight into the global shifts and changes as well as a platform for community wisdom and a powerful opportunity for more manifestation and grounding of global intentions in a group setting.
Details for the Earth In Balance gathering are located here:
New Growth
As we grow in understanding and connect to the seed that was planted within us for this solar cycle, take time daily for reflection about how you are changing. The moments of life are moving so fast now it’s sometimes hard to find quiet personal time but when you do you will find its rewards are deeper than ever imagined. The sacred time for the soul each day is quiet, profound in its silence but bold in its meaning. It can touch you like a spark or sneak in and slowly grow within you letting moments of brilliance shine as it shimmers the secrets of your future. Our potential is found in every moment now. We are being asked to reach inside ourselves and create ceremony in all that we do and become. Taking a breath is a place to start. We already contain all the possibility and promise of an infinite soul. Now is the time to be free and enter into your personal power.
New Growth
As we grow in understanding and connect to the seed that was planted within us for this solar cycle, take time daily for reflection about how you are changing. The moments of life are moving so fast now it’s sometimes hard to find quiet personal time but when you do you will find its rewards are deeper than ever imagined. The sacred time for the soul each day is quiet, profound in its silence but bold in its meaning. It can touch you like a spark or sneak in and slowly grow within you letting moments of brilliance shine as it shimmers the secrets of your future. Our potential is found in every moment now. We are being asked to reach inside ourselves and create ceremony in all that we do and become. Taking a breath is a place to start. We already contain all the possibility and promise of an infinite soul. Now is the time to be free and enter into your personal power.
The Spring Equinox is the start of the awakening of the second chakra. The Imbolc passage was our time to acknowledging our seed (potential). It was also about allowing the growth of the root chakra to open and connect with Mother Earth and the Divine Universal energies. The second chakra is about you personally on all levels. It’s time to face the true essence of you at the core primal level but with a souls touch. Traditionally the second charka is about ego, what makes you feel secure (food, shelter, financial security and companionship), and the sexual natural impulses. Taking a step forward and bringing in the souls relationship with the physical we add this to consider. When you think about the ego remember that it serves its purpose to protect through self preservation. Honor now the egos ability to secure what is needed and then honor the soul as the essence and guide in all that you do. Making the mental switch for the first time from ego to intuition requires a constant awareness. If you’ve been moving towards a soul centered life then renew your vow to shine your light and honor your true self daily, checking in to make sure your ego is functioning only when required.
The things that make you feel secure in life- food, shelter, financial stability and companionship all make up the physical foundation of life. However the soul also functions one step higher by asking you to look at these pillars in a higher light. Consider the food your consuming- are you eating to assist you physical body to reach its full potential? Does the food you choose fulfill your bodies needs daily, regardless of what you may crave (an ego function)? Do you hoard, binge, or starve yourself for reasons that are not in alignment with your soul and bodies will? Regarding shelter, your souls asks that you truly consider what you really need to meet your needs of feeling safe while also keeping you protected from the elements. This also includes a good long consideration of all the items in your possession within your home. Clearing out items that are no longer needed or useful and donating or selling them to others that can utilizing them brings a new flow of energy into your home and creates space for new to enter into your life. It’s also time to honor your souls need to leave a space or move. If every fiber of your being is screaming to get out and leave then start today by asking for the guidance you need to make this change happen. Trusting that what is needed will be delivered to you is also the souls request as this second chakra awakens. This also applies to financial security- what does your job provide you? Does it fulfill you or should you be honoring yourself by doing something you really love? Maybe a balance needs to be created where work is only a 40 hour a week gig and donation of your time doing volunteer work will assist in your soul being fulfilled and your happiness and light shining where it is truly needed. Companionship- Families, friendships, social websites, church and cultural groups, it all connects us and fills our need for social interaction outside of ourselves. These connections all serve a purpose, now your soul asks you to discern what and who really fulfills you on the core level. It asks you to look at every single relationship that fills your life and reconsider its purpose. How does it shape you? How does this person make your feel and what do you give to this relationship? Creating and belonging to community is of vital importance as our connection to each other reaches a new step globally. The core group that surrounds you needs to be of the highest light and most precious in form to honor what you need at this time. Be honest and use a kind heart. This may be the most difficult change to make within yourself because it requires you to commit to honoring yourself first before others. It also requires you be honest about what you truly want to have surrounding you.
Lastly the soul asks that you start to view your sexual being as something more than an avenue for pleasure but also for expansion. Your Feminine/Masculine energy comes from this place within you. You are a sexual being created to co-create at the most primal form. You are also a soul having a human experience. Honor your part in the Yin/Yang of this awakening that is happening globally. If you’re a women than start to identify your strengths, honor the natural cycles that flow within you. If you’ve reached crone stage then take stock in your wisdom and focus your powers on showing the way for others by radiating your beauty and love. Release what society has been leading us to believe is the true beauty of a women and honor what is truly beautiful about every fiber of your whole being- not just what is on the outside. If you’re a man then find the true center of yourself and believe in the love and calm that you bring to creation. You came from the womb and so you will always have a connection to the feminine side of you. Balancing this energy with your true yang nature assists is grounding the male energies on earth to be stable and useful. Bring about change that is functional and less threatening. Release the confines of what society says you should be or do and honor that you want to cry when you feel hurt or stay home when your child is ill. Regardless of our physical orientation we are all souls. Honoring what is at the heart of what we feel and lives within us honors what the global community needs most- honesty, love, and a shift in how we view ourselves and each other.
Be free to expand in your new awareness of self. Be honest in your assessment but also don’t be too hard on yourself and what you may find. We all have dark stuff hidden within. The soul isn’t asking you to dig all the dirt of life out on the table to be shifted through in one day. It’s only asking you start with the basics and work forward.
The flow of our awakening has been highlighted to awaken each of our chakras as we reach a new point in the solar cycle. Understanding as we go each step will help to clear, free, activate, and solidify our new chakra system we are creating in this Galactic Awakening. We have done this before and never before. Even if we think we know all there is to know about our energy systems we are being asked to start again with a different set of energies in a new time that is ours to co-create. As each chakra realigns or awakens other chakras will require attention as new/old 3rd dimensional issues may require healing or release. As you identify with each chakra look for key words, phrases, songs, or pictures that may honor or signify the strengths that the chakras are gifting you. While we all have a charka system with its function universal how we relate and utilize their energies is deeply personal.
This a powerful moment in our life, a point of honor and beauty. Reach higher and deeper than ever before. Your life is infinite in splendor and you radiate the love of a thousand suns and more. All possibilities exist within you, believe this truth and push forth- the soul awaits you.
Wishing you Endless Blessings,
Support for your growth through a growing online community has been created. Please join us by following this link:
Imbolc Awakening
The Imbolc passage is one of awakening at the core level. Its a time that was honored as a moment when the half way point between winter and spring brings promise of the coming warmth and longer days. The Imbolc celebrations were honored by blessing of the seeds and the agricultural equipment utilized for the years planting and future harvest. It was a time to clear and release any remaining old energy and to honor the new pure gift of the year that was instilled within self at the Winter Solstice.
Creation of a new paradigm requires that we ask ourselves- what is this space going to look like moving forward and how can this new thought be formed into being? Imbolc is the time to digest our goals, listen to the seed within, hear its secrets and bring them forth. Inside each of us is our own seed. Contained within the seed is the answer to our questions- who am I? What am I to be now? How am I going to make the changes needed to co-create this new world? Listen to the shaking, trembling quiver of knowledge as the breakthrough of the leaves push through and give you the gift of your true knowledge.
Visualization of the root chakra and its core reaching down into the earth, planting itself like a root is the first step to our connection with Mother Earth. It is also the first step to our Galactic Awakening and the opening of our Lotus Flower within. Spend time with this concept at quiet moments and meditation. Witness how the Earth is changing and moving forward towards spring. Witness within how you are changing and awakening. Connect the cycles and know you and our beloved Mother Earth are one.
We've created a growing community of like minded souls all on the path to awakening. This group was created to honor ourselves and each other by witnessing this glorious time together and supporting each other through the awakening process. If you would like to join us please follow the link and request to join.
We had a wonderful Gathering Last night. The moment of the awakening has begun. Have you felt the call within to honor this moment? The gathering was recorded and is available for download to listen to at your convenience. Contact me through my profile page and I will be happy to send you the link.
The seed within is awakening. Be conscious of its growth and assist it by honoring the moments of your Life and the Divine Love that fills you.
Creation of a new paradigm requires that we ask ourselves- what is this space going to look like moving forward and how can this new thought be formed into being? Imbolc is the time to digest our goals, listen to the seed within, hear its secrets and bring them forth. Inside each of us is our own seed. Contained within the seed is the answer to our questions- who am I? What am I to be now? How am I going to make the changes needed to co-create this new world? Listen to the shaking, trembling quiver of knowledge as the breakthrough of the leaves push through and give you the gift of your true knowledge.
Visualization of the root chakra and its core reaching down into the earth, planting itself like a root is the first step to our connection with Mother Earth. It is also the first step to our Galactic Awakening and the opening of our Lotus Flower within. Spend time with this concept at quiet moments and meditation. Witness how the Earth is changing and moving forward towards spring. Witness within how you are changing and awakening. Connect the cycles and know you and our beloved Mother Earth are one.
Awakening Support
We had a wonderful Gathering Last night. The moment of the awakening has begun. Have you felt the call within to honor this moment? The gathering was recorded and is available for download to listen to at your convenience. Contact me through my profile page and I will be happy to send you the link.
The seed within is awakening. Be conscious of its growth and assist it by honoring the moments of your Life and the Divine Love that fills you.
Galactic Awakening
Galactic Awakening was born within me as a vision of a lotus flower. The picture was dark as if it was the moment before dawn. I could see the silhouette of a large bare tree. A flower appeared on one of the longer branches and then light suddenly started to shine from the center of this flower. The flower began to sparkle and shine and open more and more completely as the seasons around this flower shifted and changed from winter, spring, summer, fall, and then winter again.
This is the symbolic vision for each of us. The Galactic Awakening of our souls. Our journey to reconnect with the natural rhythms of time and the seasons of our beloved mother earth. Honoring ourselves and opening to a more deeper sense of who we are and our Divine purpose. The time for these sacred moments of honoring is now.
Time continues to speed up, every day faster than the next. Our daily demands leave us short for time and personal space. Our concept of time will continue to accelerate as we push forth through our 2012 gateway and the ending of the great 26,000 year solar cycle. What we need is a space, a place, and a moment of life to reconnect with our one constant-Mother Earth.
The cycles of the earth are ingrained inside our beings. This deep knowledge will assist in bringing us back to center again. In honoring the process of the seasons as well as the sacred cross-quarter points we will begin to create again a sacred space within as well as around us that can be utilized for growth and awakening.
2011 holds the promise of some of the greatest incoming energies from our universe we have ever experienced. Understanding how to utilize and commune with this knowledge will be part of our journey together. We will create ritual around these sacred moments in Life. We will gather to speak from our hearts and feel the natural rhythm of our souls awakening as we connect with the earth mother and her life that she brings forth each season. A new chapter in our evolution is being created and we are being called to assist with that creation. To bring forth new ideas and birth them into this new multi-dimensional paradigm. Like the lotus flower you will grow, sparkle and shine your light into this world as it is awakening with you.
Join me as we start the Galactic Awakening together with the first cross-quarter of the new year on February 2nd. The celebration of Imbolc. We will discuss the traditional honoring of this passage. We will also discuss the creation of the new energies coming forth. Together we will honor the wisdom of the past while birthing the wisdom of our time. A time that starts within us. We will gather to talk, create ceremony and shake the seed of life within ourselves to start the opening of our lotus and set intentions of what is to come.
As the year progresses it is my intention to create sacred gatherings on the cross-quarter point so we can gather as a community and share our awakening together. I will also continue to write on this blog about the sacred passages, the universal energies that are working through me and others, and share messages from other trusted sources that will guide or assist us with our awakening.
This is your personal Galactic Awakening, hear the call from your soul and honor this moment in Life. Then dream big and allow yourself to expand into the endless Divinity that is your souls truth.
This is the symbolic vision for each of us. The Galactic Awakening of our souls. Our journey to reconnect with the natural rhythms of time and the seasons of our beloved mother earth. Honoring ourselves and opening to a more deeper sense of who we are and our Divine purpose. The time for these sacred moments of honoring is now.
Time continues to speed up, every day faster than the next. Our daily demands leave us short for time and personal space. Our concept of time will continue to accelerate as we push forth through our 2012 gateway and the ending of the great 26,000 year solar cycle. What we need is a space, a place, and a moment of life to reconnect with our one constant-Mother Earth.

The cycles of the earth are ingrained inside our beings. This deep knowledge will assist in bringing us back to center again. In honoring the process of the seasons as well as the sacred cross-quarter points we will begin to create again a sacred space within as well as around us that can be utilized for growth and awakening.
2011 holds the promise of some of the greatest incoming energies from our universe we have ever experienced. Understanding how to utilize and commune with this knowledge will be part of our journey together. We will create ritual around these sacred moments in Life. We will gather to speak from our hearts and feel the natural rhythm of our souls awakening as we connect with the earth mother and her life that she brings forth each season. A new chapter in our evolution is being created and we are being called to assist with that creation. To bring forth new ideas and birth them into this new multi-dimensional paradigm. Like the lotus flower you will grow, sparkle and shine your light into this world as it is awakening with you.
Join me as we start the Galactic Awakening together with the first cross-quarter of the new year on February 2nd. The celebration of Imbolc. We will discuss the traditional honoring of this passage. We will also discuss the creation of the new energies coming forth. Together we will honor the wisdom of the past while birthing the wisdom of our time. A time that starts within us. We will gather to talk, create ceremony and shake the seed of life within ourselves to start the opening of our lotus and set intentions of what is to come.
As the year progresses it is my intention to create sacred gatherings on the cross-quarter point so we can gather as a community and share our awakening together. I will also continue to write on this blog about the sacred passages, the universal energies that are working through me and others, and share messages from other trusted sources that will guide or assist us with our awakening.
This is your personal Galactic Awakening, hear the call from your soul and honor this moment in Life. Then dream big and allow yourself to expand into the endless Divinity that is your souls truth.
The first Galactic Awakening gathering will be held on February 2nd at 8 pm Eastern/7 pm Central/6 pm Mountain/5pm Pacific. If you feel called to join us for tradition and ritual please contact me for calling instruction and related materials to the Imbolc passage. If you would like to join us and will not be available for the call, a recording will be created and can be sent to you for enjoyment at a later time. My email information is located under my profile on this blog.
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